Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to my mom and my mother-in-law! They are two of the most well-deserving women that exist!

Second, I had an amazing Mother's Day myself!

I woke up at 9:30am to see a note taped to the door. It stated I was to shower before beginning a treasure hunt. It was signed by Pirate Parker and Jameson. I admit, I had a tear. It was nice to feel remembered on such a day. We hadn't really discussed anything and who doesn't like a nice surprise? I headed out of the bedroom to find Clue #1 at the bathroom door. It reminded me to shower before starting our hunt and not to open the clue any earlier than that! I showered with a silly smile on my face. I hopped out, got dressed and was greated at the bedroom door by Preston, holding a camera, a chipper Parker and smiling Jameson.

Preston, the smart man that he is documented each clue that was found by taking a picture. Though, I was delighted to see his charm... the pictures weren't on the right setting for the first few. I don't expect him to know how to operate the camera, just to press that button-thingie ;)

Each clue led me across the house and forced me to use my inner child. Upstairs and downstairs, each room held a clue.

When it was all said and done, I found a final note that said Preston would be purchasing me some zumba classes (which I mentioned a few weeks ago), some tanning minutes (which he didn't know 'where'), and a Starbucks ;) A nice indulgent way to make me feel great!

I will say, I am impressed with his creativity. Probably, one of the BEST Mother's Day I've had in the last 4 years. Thanks to all 3 of my boys <3

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes

Sometimes there are moments when you just LOVE being a mom. Last night, Parker asked me to sing the 'baby song'. So I sang my out of tune version of "Rock A-Bye Baby". Then he asked me "Mom, want to hear a song?" I, of course, said sure!!! I did not expect what followed in the slightest! I recorded him singing it this morning just to show you.

After he sang it the first time, I cheered him on, looked away and wiped my tears! Motherhood sure brings out the sap in you!