Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

We took the boys to the 4th of July parade this morning, stopped to see daddy after and had lunch. Just before nap I had the boys do a little decorating and of course Mommy joined in :)

I bought some pretzel rods, white dipping chocolate, and red, white, and blue sprinkles. I couldn't find any holiday sprinkles in the grocery store aisle, but they were plastered over every cake, cookie, and brownie in the bakery. I generally get my frosting from the grocery store bakery so I politely asked for some of their sprinkles. I got almost a pound of sprinkles for... $1.50!! In the grocery aisle, fully packaged, I would have paid triple that, if not more!

I melted the chocolate and set both the boys up with their own decoration station.

After I showed Jameson what to do... he grasped the concept pretty quickly.

Parker didn't hesitate to dig right in either!

Hoping all of you have a Happy and SAFE 4th of July!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ivory Soap Clouds

I found a pretty cool "science" project to do with Parker. I got the original idea from here. I ran out of milk this morning so we hit the grocery store quick. With this experiment in mind, I grabbed a few bars of Ivory soap. From what I have read this ONLY works with Ivory.

This is probably the easiest thing we've done in awhile. It literally only takes a couples minutes... which is about the attention soan of a 3 year old!

Throw down some parchment paper in the microwave, turn off the turn table, and place your bar of soap in the middle.

Set the microwave for about 3 minutes, however, you probably won't use all 3.

Time to WATCH!!

I did it 3 different times until the bar of soap was gone. Each time, it turned out a little bit different! Parker was astounded! To be honest, so was I!

Parker took it outside and had fun "making snow," as he called it! A super fun experiment to try with the kids!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Know Who's in There?

Yes, it's been awhile! Vacations and summer fun are the culprit, but I am hoping to be back :) I'll start off with a pretty darn cute video of Parker I took the other night. I just want to squeeze him when I see this!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to my mom and my mother-in-law! They are two of the most well-deserving women that exist!

Second, I had an amazing Mother's Day myself!

I woke up at 9:30am to see a note taped to the door. It stated I was to shower before beginning a treasure hunt. It was signed by Pirate Parker and Jameson. I admit, I had a tear. It was nice to feel remembered on such a day. We hadn't really discussed anything and who doesn't like a nice surprise? I headed out of the bedroom to find Clue #1 at the bathroom door. It reminded me to shower before starting our hunt and not to open the clue any earlier than that! I showered with a silly smile on my face. I hopped out, got dressed and was greated at the bedroom door by Preston, holding a camera, a chipper Parker and smiling Jameson.

Preston, the smart man that he is documented each clue that was found by taking a picture. Though, I was delighted to see his charm... the pictures weren't on the right setting for the first few. I don't expect him to know how to operate the camera, just to press that button-thingie ;)

Each clue led me across the house and forced me to use my inner child. Upstairs and downstairs, each room held a clue.

When it was all said and done, I found a final note that said Preston would be purchasing me some zumba classes (which I mentioned a few weeks ago), some tanning minutes (which he didn't know 'where'), and a Starbucks ;) A nice indulgent way to make me feel great!

I will say, I am impressed with his creativity. Probably, one of the BEST Mother's Day I've had in the last 4 years. Thanks to all 3 of my boys <3

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes

Sometimes there are moments when you just LOVE being a mom. Last night, Parker asked me to sing the 'baby song'. So I sang my out of tune version of "Rock A-Bye Baby". Then he asked me "Mom, want to hear a song?" I, of course, said sure!!! I did not expect what followed in the slightest! I recorded him singing it this morning just to show you.

After he sang it the first time, I cheered him on, looked away and wiped my tears! Motherhood sure brings out the sap in you!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

As we close the door on infancy, I sit and think about how innocent, foofy haired, and porcelain skinned my babies are… were. These days they are far from that! They are innocent no more as they fight for toys, scream for attention, and undermine each other. Their hair is thicker and slicked with dirt and food. Their skin is battered in toddler mishaps and discoveries. Each bruise and scratch with a tale of adventure.

Jameson is still recovering from Hand Foot and Mouth. His skin is discolored from blisters, peeling and flaking as they heal. A few bumps from walking as he tailors and finesses his new skill. All are very minor penalties.

Parker on the other hand, is finding out that his recklessness and fearlessness has consequences! This week he has come home from Preschool with a few more severe, self-inflicted punishments of his robust little body. I can tell he is my son because upon pick up he has to tell me just how he injured himself that day. He shows me, tells me it hurts, what he did to cause it and quickly mentions that he needs a treat so he doesn’t cry (always with an ulterior motive). On Tuesday he came home with a band aid on his left index finger. He somehow cut it on a gate at school. It was deep enough to bleed and shred the skin a bit. On Wednesday, as Preston is putting him to bed, I am called into Parker’s room for an investigation. It’s pointed out to me that Parker’s left ear his deeply bruised at the top. I am holding his ear, looking inside and out of the slightly swollen area as Parker giggles. We ask how it happened and he comes up with “Peyton at school did it.” He’s 3 so who really knows? It doesn’t seem to bother him. Thursday’s injury was the most brutal of his wounds for the week. He didn’t show me until I was unbuckling him from his car seat in our garage. He had a wet paper towel in his hand and said his lip hurt. He puckers up and there I see 2 definitive teeth marks on the inside of his lip. It’s bruised and swollen. Ouch. He says he did it going down the slide. I pop a couple children’s Tylenol in him and send him off to play. The next day it was still swollen and looked rather gnarly. I forgot to look for an Ouch Report at Preschool, but talked to the director. Sure enough, he was trying to go down the slide head first. That one is going to take awhile to heal.

I do think I created a monster, that or pain relievers taste too good. Later that night, he had to go poop. He went, I helped finish up as any mom would. As he pulls his pants up, he promptly puts on his pouty face, looks down at the floor with a slight mischievous smirk and says “Mom, my poop hurts… I need some Tylenol”. Boys.

I did, however, sneak in a rare Mommy Moment with Parker that evening. Despite his exhaustion (from a field trip to the circus where he missed out on a nap) and overexertion I managed to do something I haven’t done in at least a year if not longer. He had cried through his whole bath (because he didn’t want a bath) and had cried the 10 minutes before bath (because he didn’t want a bath). I rinsed him, wrapped him in a towel and sat down in the recliner with him to calm him down. We rocked for probably 10-15 minutes. It was enough to quiet his whimpers. I looked down to see I had rocked my first born to sleep. All his newborn days flooded my memory. I found myself studying his small features; the roundness of his nose (how it imitated the first time I saw it on the ultrasound), the fullness of his cheeks, his long lashes and the peach fuzz that coated his face was glowing from the last remaining daylight coming through the windows. His laughter was now a warm breath and his smile now stillness. I sat in that moment thankful for the calm in a child that’s always on the go.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Balloons, Elephants, and Frosting Oh My!

Jameson’s birthday party went nearly perfect. He was flooded with love, gifts, and cake of course! There were a few flaws that only I would probably notice, but that’s a mother’s prerogative, right? I took the Friday off before the party to run errands, clean the house, and prep the food. Saturday I sent Preston on a balloon run for the final party touch. I frosted the cupcakes and set the table. The guests arrived and dug right in to all the yummy goodies. Jameson showed off his new walking skills to his adorners and shared smiles as he made his way through the room.

Though I made everything for his birthday as I generally do… I did make one purchase that completely made the cake. The cake toppers I found were a must! They completely set the theme and brought the whole thing together. The great thing about is everything is handmade and custom ordered. Items there are relatively inexpensive and shipping isn’t bad. It’s a place vendors (typically moms with a creative bone) go to make a penny here and there all while using their skills. I buy the boys’ birthday shirts there as well!

Even one of Jameson’s gifts found its way to him from Etsty.

Overall the First Birthday went without a hitch. Guests with full bellies mingled while Jameson gnawed on wrapping paper.

A frosting covered high chair with torn streamers sit in the kitchen as Parker played with the new toys. I, of course, people watch from afar and think about where I was a year ago; snuggling in bed with this tiny little new person, smelling his hair, kissing his forehead. The only difference is now is he can kiss back. Life doesn’t get much better than this.