Sunday, April 29, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

As we close the door on infancy, I sit and think about how innocent, foofy haired, and porcelain skinned my babies are… were. These days they are far from that! They are innocent no more as they fight for toys, scream for attention, and undermine each other. Their hair is thicker and slicked with dirt and food. Their skin is battered in toddler mishaps and discoveries. Each bruise and scratch with a tale of adventure.

Jameson is still recovering from Hand Foot and Mouth. His skin is discolored from blisters, peeling and flaking as they heal. A few bumps from walking as he tailors and finesses his new skill. All are very minor penalties.

Parker on the other hand, is finding out that his recklessness and fearlessness has consequences! This week he has come home from Preschool with a few more severe, self-inflicted punishments of his robust little body. I can tell he is my son because upon pick up he has to tell me just how he injured himself that day. He shows me, tells me it hurts, what he did to cause it and quickly mentions that he needs a treat so he doesn’t cry (always with an ulterior motive). On Tuesday he came home with a band aid on his left index finger. He somehow cut it on a gate at school. It was deep enough to bleed and shred the skin a bit. On Wednesday, as Preston is putting him to bed, I am called into Parker’s room for an investigation. It’s pointed out to me that Parker’s left ear his deeply bruised at the top. I am holding his ear, looking inside and out of the slightly swollen area as Parker giggles. We ask how it happened and he comes up with “Peyton at school did it.” He’s 3 so who really knows? It doesn’t seem to bother him. Thursday’s injury was the most brutal of his wounds for the week. He didn’t show me until I was unbuckling him from his car seat in our garage. He had a wet paper towel in his hand and said his lip hurt. He puckers up and there I see 2 definitive teeth marks on the inside of his lip. It’s bruised and swollen. Ouch. He says he did it going down the slide. I pop a couple children’s Tylenol in him and send him off to play. The next day it was still swollen and looked rather gnarly. I forgot to look for an Ouch Report at Preschool, but talked to the director. Sure enough, he was trying to go down the slide head first. That one is going to take awhile to heal.

I do think I created a monster, that or pain relievers taste too good. Later that night, he had to go poop. He went, I helped finish up as any mom would. As he pulls his pants up, he promptly puts on his pouty face, looks down at the floor with a slight mischievous smirk and says “Mom, my poop hurts… I need some Tylenol”. Boys.

I did, however, sneak in a rare Mommy Moment with Parker that evening. Despite his exhaustion (from a field trip to the circus where he missed out on a nap) and overexertion I managed to do something I haven’t done in at least a year if not longer. He had cried through his whole bath (because he didn’t want a bath) and had cried the 10 minutes before bath (because he didn’t want a bath). I rinsed him, wrapped him in a towel and sat down in the recliner with him to calm him down. We rocked for probably 10-15 minutes. It was enough to quiet his whimpers. I looked down to see I had rocked my first born to sleep. All his newborn days flooded my memory. I found myself studying his small features; the roundness of his nose (how it imitated the first time I saw it on the ultrasound), the fullness of his cheeks, his long lashes and the peach fuzz that coated his face was glowing from the last remaining daylight coming through the windows. His laughter was now a warm breath and his smile now stillness. I sat in that moment thankful for the calm in a child that’s always on the go.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Balloons, Elephants, and Frosting Oh My!

Jameson’s birthday party went nearly perfect. He was flooded with love, gifts, and cake of course! There were a few flaws that only I would probably notice, but that’s a mother’s prerogative, right? I took the Friday off before the party to run errands, clean the house, and prep the food. Saturday I sent Preston on a balloon run for the final party touch. I frosted the cupcakes and set the table. The guests arrived and dug right in to all the yummy goodies. Jameson showed off his new walking skills to his adorners and shared smiles as he made his way through the room.

Though I made everything for his birthday as I generally do… I did make one purchase that completely made the cake. The cake toppers I found were a must! They completely set the theme and brought the whole thing together. The great thing about is everything is handmade and custom ordered. Items there are relatively inexpensive and shipping isn’t bad. It’s a place vendors (typically moms with a creative bone) go to make a penny here and there all while using their skills. I buy the boys’ birthday shirts there as well!

Even one of Jameson’s gifts found its way to him from Etsty.

Overall the First Birthday went without a hitch. Guests with full bellies mingled while Jameson gnawed on wrapping paper.

A frosting covered high chair with torn streamers sit in the kitchen as Parker played with the new toys. I, of course, people watch from afar and think about where I was a year ago; snuggling in bed with this tiny little new person, smelling his hair, kissing his forehead. The only difference is now is he can kiss back. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jameson Michael Turns ONE!

The day has come! My little baby is no longer a little baby, but rather my big baby :) His toes are no longer tiny, just small. His newborn smell is now gone, but filled with the lingering baby shampoo fragrance. You would think that with him being my 2nd baby boy that this would be old hat. I must say when babies grow there is never enough time to soak it up! The first year is full of “I can’t waits”. I can’t wait for him to sleep all night. I can’t wait for him to crawl, eat solids, and walk! Then suddenly its one year later and you have no idea how he grew so fast!! There were so many similar experiences, but overall what a completely different journey we took.

My 9lb 0oz, 20.75” roly poly
April 11, 2011 at 9:17pm

These two boys are so different!! Jameson was breastfed; Parker wasn’t. Jameson didn’t take a pacifier; Parker did. Jameson didn’t like to nap; Parker always loved them. Jameson has zero patience; Parker seemingly does. Jameson looks like me! Parker looks like Daddy! Jameson was a picky eater; Parker wasn’t. I suppose you could almost compare pregnancies too. Jameson’s first trimester was a breeze; Parker’s was spent hugging a toilet. Jameson’s last few weeks were a bit treacherous with an ER visit, an MRI, high blood pressure, swelling, and protein, unlike Parker who made is early entrance a piece of cake. Yet, Jameson’s beautiful birth was easier than Parker’s long drawn out arrival day. These boys were destined to be apart of our family. They compliment each other marvelously. I suppose many of their differences lie in their birth order, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

That’s not to go without our fair share of struggles this last year. Despite him being breastfed, it was not through nursing, but via pump. That’s a story for another day, but exclusively pumping made us a successful breastfeeding pair for one full year. Definitely, the road less travelled, but we made it out alive, healthy, and goal obtained. We also switched daycares in between, found some car trouble along the way, and clung together as a family to get through. Our unit of four, though not complete yet ,has hit the ground running.

With that said, as I look back one year from today… I realize how far we have come as a family, as individuals and thank God that I have the gift of watching my family grow and blossom right in front of my eyes. I watch Jameson begin to walk and develop his language and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with love. I appreciate all the offerings God has given our family. Today is one more.

To Jameson, my fun loving, smiling mirror of a child, you have brought our family unit even closer than before. You have added more laughs and giggles than we ever imagined. Your smile brightens my day. Your growing personality makes me excited to see the man you will be some day. You have the whole world in the palm of your dimply hands. My heart grew even more the day I held you in my arms for the first time. Your first breath, your first cry all memories I will hold with me for the rest of my life. I am so proud to be your mommy. Thank you for all that you have taught me in your first year of life. I wish you the Happiest First Birthday and am anxious to celebrate many more with you. I adore you, Baby J. With all the love I can offer, your Mommy.

My One Year Old

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Busy Little Bees

Wow! What a crazy month! We have been so busy redecorating and party planning that so many things fell by the wayside. We spent some time redoing Parker's nursery into a big boy room. A fresh new coat of paint and a brand new bunk bed was just what he needed.

Way Before:


(not the best quality photo)


I did my best to match his room details to his new bedding.

And what is a football diagram of play without the... Packer Sweep

more to come....