Friday, February 24, 2012

Frosty Thumpetty Thump Thump

We have had such a mild winter this year! I have thouroghly enjoyed the lack of slippery roads and bitterly cold winds. I am guessing we have only had about two snow "storms" that resulted in measureable amounts. Yesterday was one of them. The best part? The temps! It was just warm enough for six inches of snow to fall in a wet, fluffy mess... which means it created the perfect conditions for building a snowman.

I hurried home from work with one intention. Get Parker outside with mommy! I am usually cooking supper right after work and rarely get the one on one time we deserve. Luckily, Preston and I have started "Daddy cooks on Thursdays". With Preston cooking dinner it allowed me to take Parker out into the winter wonderland and create it very FIRST snowman!

While I rolled out the body, Parker was learning the technique of rolling out the head. 30 minutes later the head had not changed in size so mommy offered her help ;) We found some sticks, rocks, and a pine cone nose to address our snowman's features.

To be completely honest, we had so much fun and I am sure we made Daddy jealous. I think Parker and I really deserved the time together. He loved adding "hair" to the snowman and investigating the rocks that were placed on him.

It didn't take long before dark emerged and dinner was ready. Parker happily posed next to our snowman, White. He was pretty proud of our cold creation, but he was more happy to just be outside, in his element.

I think we can all agree that Mission: First Snowman was a complete success!

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