Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Toilet Paper; a 3 Year Old's Playground

Parker just returned from a weekend at Grandma Annie's house. He spent his days in play mode with his 6 year old cousin, Dillon. Upon his return, I expected a few outbursts of defiance, as any 3 year old would do. I, however, did not expect an entire roll of toilet paper to be shoved into the toilet. I thought potty training was rough, but I have underestimated the lack of bathroom protocol that a preschooler has. This coming only weeks after I discovered a urine soaked roll of toilet paper. What is it about toilet paper that is so inviting to children?! I have even noticed Jameson being attracted to it lately! Is it the never-ending stream of paper? The perforated seams between the sheets? Or maybe it's the accessibility? Regardless, this necessary tool of the bathroom has become sought after by curious hands with destructive plans. I suppose I will have the last laugh when this makes it into his scrapbook for future girlfriends to giggle at as they read :)

Any guesses what it will be next week?

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